Integrated Pest Management


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a proactive, preventative strategy to pest management that utilizes sustainable and science-based processes that manage and reduce the risks of pests.

At Sprague, IPM is the foundation on which we have designed and delivered pest management programs for clients for nearly a century.  We deploy the latest tools, technology, and treatment methods to protect your brand, your customers, your employees, and the environment in which you do business.

Our integrated pest management services are backed by years of experience protecting some of the nation’s most recognizable brands.  Delivered by highly trained service specialists who take pride in their work and go the extra mile to exceed client expectations.

STACKING THE EFFECTSIntegrated Pest Management 1

One of our core methodologies of Integrated Pest Management is to “stack the effects”, meaning that there is no one pest control method that will prevent pest threats or remove an existing pest.  We build our programs to utilize a combination of biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools to reduce the risks of pests and provide peace of mind to our customers.

Pest Identification

Integrated Pest Management 9Before we begin to apply treatment, we identify the type and specie of the pest and the level of infestation. This will inform the service specialist of which types of control methods will be the most effective.


Integrated Pest Management 15Our teams regularly inspect the outside and inside of a facility for pest activity, spot any potential entry points, and evaluate if current control methods are effective.


Integrated Pest Management 14We establish thresholds to determine when and how to apply control measures and the level of pest activity that is tolerable before action needs to be taken.


Integrated Pest Management 12Prevention is the first line of defense in an IPM program. This involves eliminating conditions that are conducive to pest infestation like food sources, entry points, and reducing moisture.

Control Methods

Integrated Pest Management 11When needed, we thoughtfully deploy physical, biological, or chemical control measures that are tailored to the targeted pest.


Integrated Pest Management 10Regular evaluation is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the control measures and make adjustment for continued pest protection.